The school follows the curriculum and syllabus of Tamil Nadu unified common syllabus. Hindi is taught as the third language.


Slip tests are conducted everyday. There will be no re-test, in case of absence.


Curriculum Activities


Computer education is an integral part of the school curriculum. AC Computer labs are well equipped with many computers.


Stress is being laid on value education to inculcate moral values and Indian heritage among the students. It is developed through reciting moral stories and slokas, practicing yoga and celebrating the birth anniversaries of Saints, Scholars and Great leaders.


"A sound mind in a sound body" is a common saying. We put this proverb into practice by sports and games activities. We provide facilities for outdoor and indoor games to encourage healthy sportsmanship, character building, sound body and healthy competitive spirit among students.


The school library is well - equipped with books on Education, Fiction, Travel and General Knowledge. Maps, Charts and Models are also available as aids for teaching to help the pupils to develop a strong reading habit and for keeping good books within their reach. Pupil are encouraged to donate books to the library on their birthday and other important occasion. A separate theater room is available for O.H.P.


Today children are exposed to various multimedia, cartoon and other types of electronic devices including the video games etc. Seeing is learning, watching and participating via electronic media makes teaching and learning process not only interesting but also relevant. It saves the lung energy of teacher and makes the classroom a global platform for the child. Our school has smart digi boards for this purpose. There are interactive boards in almost each and every classroom and this makes our campus energetic enough to be fit for the 21st century.


We conduct P.T.meeting periodically to keep a very good rapport between parent and teachers, and for the betterment of the child.Parents are requested to attend the meeting and give their suggestions in writing during the P.T.meetings


Curriculum Activities