School Uniform

The school uniform is to be worn as specified here below during the week; and each item must be labelled with the students Name & Class. All students must wear the School uniform daily. A pupil who is not dressed neatly and tidily in the full school uniform may not be permitted to sit in the class. The newly admitted students must start wearing the school uniform within two weeks of their admission.


1.Pre Primary - Colour Dress (No Uniform)


2.School Uniform LKG to XII - From Monday to Thursday & Saturday




Tops & Bottom



 Half  Sleeve Light Brown with Blue Striped  Shirt

 Light Brown  Half - Trousers

 I to V


 Half  Sleeve  Light Brown with Blue Striped  Shirt

 Light Brown Pinafore, Skyblue Ribbon

 VI to XI


 Half  Sleeve  Light Brown with Blue Striped  Shirt

 Light Brown Full Trousers



 Light Brown with Blue Striped  Top

 Light Brown Bottom & Over coat, Blue Ribbon



Foot Wear

 LKG to V

 Boys &


 Black shoes with Skyblue Socks

 VI to XI

 Boys &


 Black shoes with Light Brown Socks


 Boys &


 Black shoes with Dark wood Colour Socks


3. School Uniform LKG to XII - Friday (House Uniform)




 LKG to V


 House colour T-Shirt, White Half- Trousers,


 House colour T-Shirt, White Skirt, White Ribbon

 VI to XII


 House colour T-Shirt , White Full Trousers


 White Kurta with Sleeveless House colour overcoat,

 White Ribbon



Foot Wear

 LKG to XII  Boys &   Girls  White Shoes & White Socks


KG Housing Uniform

KG Boys School Uniform

KG Girls School Uniform

I to V Boys Housing Uniform

I to V Girls Housing Uniform

I to V Boys School Uniform

I to V Girls School Uniform

VI to XII Housing Uniform

VI to XII Boys School Uniform

VI to XII Girls School Uniform